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Ways We Give

Ways to Give

Community Services

S.T.U.C.K. wants survivors to know that they are not alone, and that there is support to assist them in transition. It is important for us to let survivors know that someone cares about what they are experiencing. We know that when someones future seems uncertain a lot of their time is spent thinking, and hoping for better days. Unfortunately very little action is taking place; things pile up, and the load begins to feel unbearable. We want to help lighten that load. 

Twice a year we reach out to various shelters, programs, and organizations, in underserved communities throughout Massachusetts. We share an inspirational survivor story, provide free toiletries, a gift bag containing self-care items,  a nail service, and possibly a free lunch.

Events will take place March 4th and October 11th. Every year the dates will remain the same...

March is Woman’s History Month 
March 4ward Outreach Day - 


On March 4th... We encourage survivors to keep marching forward.

Walk away from what no longer serves you. Step into your future. Create a new path to walk your walk with confidence and purpose. 


STUCK is aware how lonely and intimidating this walk can feel. That is why we share our stories and experiences. Our goal is to inspire and encourage survivors so they know that they can overcome any obstacle they're facing.

We will provide gift bags containing the items listed below. We hope these items will provide some structure and promote self care for survivors along their transitional journeys.   

⚓️ Drawstring or Tote bag

⚓️ Gift Card 

⚓️ Mani/Pedi items

⚓️ Agenda/Calendar book

⚓️ Flip Flops

⚓️ Journal & pen

⚓️ Mini Mirrors


⚓️ Budget Sheet

October is Domestic Violence Month
Reach for a S.T.A.R. (Someone That Always Recovers)

Knowing how how dark it can be in the life of a survivor we chose someone to shine on by showing them they are more than what they've been through! 

S.T.U.C.K. provides a free nail service and lunch every Sunday in October. Everyone we serve will also receive a gift bag filled with self-care items.

We select individuals…


⚓️ who reside in a shelter or transitional living program

⚓️ starting a new job or training program

⚓️ that have recently transitioned out of shelter/prison

⚓️ who are homeless without shelter

⚓️ that cannot physically go into a salon


Donating items below for these events are greatly appreciated.


Travel size: Lotion/deodorant/toothpaste/toothbrushes, baby wipes,

socks, underwear/boxers, t-shirts/tanks, slippers, adult & kid PJs,

journals, pens, nail polish, gift cards, agenda planner, brush/comb, and

tote or drawstring bag/backpacks.

Contact us for drop off locations or to schedule a donation pick up.

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Copyright: S.T.U.C.K. 2021.    TXu 1-671-978  Publication 1993
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